
  • 定價:$12,420
  • 優惠價:$11,080




  • 總覽2019年全球及臺灣醫藥產業年度重大事件;探索全球及臺灣整體醫藥產業之市場/產銷情形、產品銷售及開發概況、廠商競爭及布局動向、和資本市場發展現況,找尋醫藥產業發展方向及趨勢
  • 從整體藥品產業,及各次產業包含西藥製劑、生物藥品、細胞治療、植物藥及中藥、原料藥、藥品委託服務產業,詳實深入探討2019年「市場/產銷情形」、「產品/技術發展」、「廠商經營動向」及「未來展望」,供業者適時調整因應對策,並可發掘潛在發展機會
  • 研析美國、日本、中國大陸等全球前三大藥品市場,探討各國之「醫藥衛生環境」、「政策/法規」、「市場」、「產品/技術」、「廠商」及「未來展望」,作為巿場發展機會及潛在產業競爭之參考
  • 綜合全球與各次產業未來市場預測及國際發展趨勢,導出未來臺灣醫藥及各次產業之發展機會與挑戰,進一步提出產業發展方向及策略建議


本年鑑由DCB ITIS專業產業分析團隊經長期觀測全球及臺灣應用生技產業現況與發展趨勢變化,及對我國應用生技產業各次產業提供機會及未來發展方向與建議,提供讀者完整且深入淺出的產業發展現況與未來展望。

  • 從全球及臺灣應用生技產業動向觀測,探究全球及臺灣應用生技各次產業發展狀況及趨勢
  • 涵括再生醫療、生技製藥服務業、食品生技、農業生技、生技特用化學品等次產業
  • 全球與我國應用生技產業之發展概況與動向,從產業環境、政策/法規、市場、廠商及產品等不同層面,深入探索各次領域市場商機
  • 透過全球與臺灣應用生技產業重大事件之影響與分析,精細剖析應用生技產業最新技術及商業發展
  • 洞察全球及臺灣應用生技產業發展現況與商機,分析臺灣應用生技產業發展的機會與挑戰,並進一步導出臺灣應用生技產業及各次產業未來發展方向與策略建議。




I 我所熟悉的美國FDA:「胡人」的那一套「胡服」是什麼設計?他們的作風那裡該學?
II 我所學到的臨床試驗和法規管理科學:「胡人」的「騎射」 是什麼方法,到底有多厲害?
III 我的台灣回顧與反思 :「遂胡服」、「胡服令」與「招騎射」在台灣 - 台灣醫藥品法規管理現代化的努力何去何從?
IV 我在業界的個人經驗: 法規單位圍牆之外的視野 - 台灣醫藥生技產業的困境和展望
The author, Shaw T. Chen, M.D.,Ph.D., is an American trained physician-scientist who served at US FDA for 27 years. He retired as one of its senior staff with signatory authorities for new drug approval.  Since the 1990s, Dr. Chen was a senior advisor assigned by FDA to assist Taiwan in the modernization of new drug clinical development system and establishment of its Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE).  After retirement from the public service, he is now acting CEO for Polaris Pharma of San Diego.
Literally the title of the book means 胡 (a tribe of northern nomad) 服 (outfit) 騎 (riding horse) 射 (shooting arrow).
It is an allusion to a historical event in China about 2300 years ago.  The nomad tribe in northern China were good at fighting on horse.  To emulate such prowess, the neighboring Chinese warlord king wanted to change his Han people’s dress to that of the nomads.  He encountered fierce resistance for changing the traditional culture.  
The subtitle is “Modernization of new drug clinical studies in Taiwan”.  
The author tried to introduce to Taiwan the new technology and regulatory system for clinical trials from advanced authority such as US FDA, and faced pretty strong opposition to the effort to change.  It is reminiscent of the above story in the history book.
With his extensive experience in the field of new drug clinical development and regulatory sciences, the author covered the following topics in four parts of the book with in depth analyses and discussion:
I The US FDA as I am familiar with: the design of and operations of “Nomad”’s system, where Taiwan should and can learn.
II What did I learn in Clinical studies and Regulatory science: the science and technology of “Nomad”’s “riding and shooting”
III Retrospectives on what I did in Taiwan: How successful were the reform efforts in Taiwan and where to go from here
IV My personal Experiences in Industry: Difficulties and Outlook of the biomedical industry in Taiwan.