

好消息!  時隔五年,Advance Biotech GRANT Program 又再次來到了台灣! 默克自2014年以來在世界不同地區定期實施這些資助計畫,並在2019年首次在台灣啟動後,受到了業界的廣泛關注。「2024默克生物科技資助專案-台灣站」自6/15~8/30間,報名參加即有機會享有NTD$349萬等值的產品和服務、上游/下游和配方諮詢服務等支持,以及Emprove®高級計劃的訂閱。



好消息!  時隔五年,Advance Biotech GRANT Program又再次來到了台灣!


★報名日期6/15~8/30 止  (★7/15 前報名符合早鳥資格者,可獲紀念贈禮1份)
★決賽與活動頒獎日期:2024 年9月於Taiwan BioForum活動現場 (詳情另行通知)

※活動詳情請上默克網站或連繫台灣默克業務喔! 敬請把握機會!



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We offer several grant programs to help biopharmaceutical and biotech start-ups, entrepreneurs, scientists, and students bring innovative ideas to the next level.

The Advance Biotech Grant Program

The Advance Biotech Grant Program is offered on a regular basis in different regions of the world. The program recognizes stand-out emerging biopharmaceutical and biotech start-ups and awards grant recipients with products, services, and consultation to advance production and help accelerate the path to commercialization. Since 2014, more than 40 biotech startups have been recognized through this Program. We are honored to support their missions as they pursue therapeutic solutions for patients suffering from cancer, brain tumors, osteoarthritis, and cardiovascular disorders. To be considered for the grant, you must describe your therapeutic focus, clinical strategy, and explain how we can help you overcome challenges and address gaps in expertise to bring your innovation across the finish line.

Apply to the 2024 Taiwan Grant Program

The Taiwan grand prize for an emerging, start-up biotech or biopharmaceutical company includes NTD 3,490,000 in products and services, and support such as upstream, downstream and formulation consultation services, and a subscription to the Emprove® Premium program.
The application cycle for the 2024 Taiwan Advance Biotech Grant Program has started! Click HERE to submit your application today!