創新藥物的商業成功之路 - 從實驗室到上市

創新藥物的商業成功之路 - 從實驗室到上市

Session 10 – Translational Medicine, A Journey from Novelty to Commercial Success
  • 日    期:2024-07-25
  • 地    點:台北南港展覽館二館7樓Room 700
  • 主辦單位:國家衛生研究院


This session explores the dynamic field of translational medicine, highlighting its journey from innovative research to commercial triumph. Delve into the critical elements and processes that bridge the gap between laboratory discoveries and marketable therapies. Case studies of recent breakthroughs will illustrate how novel scientific insights are transformed into commercially viable treatments, addressing unmet medical needs. Topics will include strategic partnerships, regulatory pathways, scalable manufacturing practices that ensure clinical efficacy and safety, and an examination of successful funding mechanisms. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge around navigating the complexities of translational medicine, and will learn how to effectively translate cutting-edge research into life-changing therapies, driving innovation and improving patient outcomes.
