比翼 x 北醫 x 秀傳:2024 Demo day新創生態系的經濟挑戰──醫療創新的逆境與機遇
- 日 期:2024-07-27
- 地 點: 南港展覽館1館 401會議室
- 主辦單位:比翼生醫創投/台灣秀傳醫療體系/北醫生醫加速器
- 活動網址
TMU x BE x SCHS Demo Day : Braving New Horizons in Healthtech for Hospitals
比翼 x 北醫 x 秀傳:2024 Demo day新創生態系的經濟挑戰──醫療創新的逆境與機遇
今年全台唯一聯合醫療體系 Demo Day 由比翼生醫、臺北醫學大學生醫加速器與秀傳醫療體系共同主辦。活動匯集了生醫創投與加速器、醫療體系的頂尖資源,以「人工智能、數位健康及醫療器材」為主軸,精選了19組來自亞洲、北美與歐洲的優秀新創團隊,為我們帶來多元的解決方案!
▸活動日期:2024/07/27(六) 14:30-18:30
▸活動地點:南港展覽館1館 401會議室 (台北市南港區經貿二路1號)
* 本次活動將提供現場直播給國外參加者與無法到場的觀眾一齊共襄盛舉!
✨ 台灣唯一醫院聯合生醫新創 Demo Day:TMU x BE x SCHS
✨ 國內外重量級Panel貴賓親臨現場,剖析生醫新創產業最新投資趨勢
✨ 精選國內外優秀團隊,跨越多個生醫主題!
本次國際座談邀請到多國具創投與創新背景之關鍵人物與會,包含Nipun Jain, Head of Innovation Hubs & Partnerships for International at AstraZeneca、James Huang, Founding Managing Partner of Panacea Venture以及Ashley (Elizabeth) SEEHUSEN, SANTÉ Venture,討論在動盪的IPO市場中,大型企業與新創公司將面臨的障礙,並具體探討如何檢視進入未知領域的風險,以及如何透過策略結盟在動盪的水域中掌舵全球醫療創新。
★網路人氣獎票選 爭取價值2.5萬台幣之日本商務實戰課
延續去年網路人氣獎票選機制,今年獲選團隊將獲得由比翼攜手國發會新創品牌Startup Island Taiwan共同舉辦之 「2024 Japan Business Launchpad」Bootcamp免費觀看資格!本次Bootcamp 瞄準 Medical Japan 展會,廣邀台日生醫產業高階主管分享實戰經歷,快分享團隊貼文,為你支持的團隊加油!
無論您是投資者、創業家還是醫療科技專業人士,這場Demo Day絕對不能錯過!立即報名,一同參與這場生醫新創的盛會!
Time | Content |
14:30-15:00 | Registration |
15:00-15:30 |
Opening Remarks & Group Photo |
15:30-15:35 | Introduction |
15:35-17:05 | Pitch Session |
17:05-17:25 |
【Panel Discussion】 Charting the Course: Navigating the Waters of Global Medical Innovation Amidst Stormy IPO Seas |
17:25-17:30 |
Award Announcement |
17:30-18:30 |
Closing & Reception |
Company | Introduction |
NousQ | NousQ's CLiKX, a handheld robotic device for treating Otitis Media with Effusion, reduces surgery delays and costs and has won multiple awards, including the MedTech Innovator APAC Challenge 2022. |
Pulxion Medical Technology | Providing an AI-powered Technique for preventive healthcare. |
MedySapiens | MedySapiens is at the forefront of providing testing and analysis solutions for rare diseases in newborns, with the mission andvision of "providing opportunities for a healthy life through fast and accurate diagnostic technology for rare diseases”. |
Auspex Diagnostics | Auspex diagnostics leverages advanced machine learning to personalize cancer treatment, enhancing outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. |
FlumiLab | FlumiLab is passionate about label-free biophotonics, an innovative technology that' s fast, easy-to-perform, cost-effective, and provides molecular-level information, and will continue to develop new applications using this amazing technology. |
Anivance AI | Anivance AI combines lung chip technology and AI to speed up drug development, secured by a global patent portfolio. |
SurgMate | Elevate Medical Skills and Innovations via Immersive Simulation. |
Invenis Biotherapies | Invenis Biotherapies is a preclinical biotech whose mission is to develop disease-modifying treatments based on the regenerative capacity of human platelet derivatives to treat chronic and acute neurodegeneration. |
RealBone Technology | RealBone Technology specializes in artificial bone grafts using patented surface modification technology, with its product REALBONE used in hospitals across Taiwan. |
Instant NanoBiosensors | Instant NanoBiosensors develops affordable, accessible, and precise nanotech biosensors for disease diagnostics, improving global healthcare outcomes. |
Pythia Biotech | Pythia Biotech provides organ-on-chip to serve as a functional micro-physiological system where disease model, drug development, and precision medicine can be contributed. |
F.MED | F.MED develops a microsurgery assist robot to improve patient outcomes by mitigating physiological hand tremors during delicate surgeries. |
dBio | dBio sets itself apart by integrating both fitness and medical health-related data with Al, offering a comprehensive solution for monitoring and optimizing training/exercise while gaining insights into overall health. |
AeproMED | AeproMED revolutionizes healthcare with personalized medicine through state-of-the-art aerosol technology and integrated bio-signal detection. |
BROADSIMS | BROADSIMS is a leading company specializing in medical device platform developments. We make quality visible by workflow automation. |
Anaut | Anaut Inc. is a Tokyo-based technology company with a mission is to revolutionize surgery through EUREKA - an Al precision mapping technology that enables color-coded surgery to improve surgical outcomes and reduce the risk of complications. |
臺北醫學大學 TMU BioMed Accelerator |
臺灣首家國際級創新醫療大學加速器,專注於「數位醫療」、「人工智慧」、與「醫療器材」三大主題,整合臺北醫學大學完善的醫療臨床體系資源,協助新創臨床試驗規劃並建立醫療通路、商業模式、創業資金募集、新創社群與國際資源的鏈結、輔導團隊降低產品開發風險,並善用北醫完善的醫療臨床場域與專業醫師,導入北醫大數據處,包含臨床資料庫、健保資料庫、臨床數據中心等,提供優質的數據服務,以及北醫大人體研究處,輔導新創團隊產品臨床試驗的研發策略,使新創團隊加速研究成果商品化並鏈結國際生態圈。 |
比翼生醫 BE Health |
比翼生醫(BE Health)是一家專注於投資創新醫療科技的「醫院創投」,同時也是台灣最大的醫療生技新創加速器。自2018年成立以來,已輔導100+具影響力且前瞻性的新創團隊,並協助其籌得超過1.5億美元資金。我們專注於創新醫材與數位醫療領域,運用台灣為全球醫療新創進入亞洲市場的橋樑,與全球重量級醫療體系、研究機構、投資者和生技專家夥伴緊密合作,於嚴峻棘手的醫療領域建構國際生態系統,共同努力協助新創成長為顛覆性企業。我們的使命為與生態系的夥伴協力培育優秀的醫療新創團隊,推動創新醫療科技,提供患者更好的醫療體驗。 |
台灣秀傳醫療體系Show Chwan Healthcare System | 秀傳是臺灣目前最大的的私人醫療集團,在全台擁有9家醫院、3,700張床位與6,000名員工。由黃明和總裁自1973年創立以來,使命即期望將領先的技術和服務提供至資源不足的地區。且除了三級醫療服務之外,同時也有針對老年人、產婦保健和綜合癌症護理設施。 |
台灣秀傳醫療體系Show Chwan Healthcare System | IRCAD遠距微創手術中心1994年於法國史特拉斯堡發跡,結合最先進的科技與享譽國際的專家學者,致力於培育訓練外科醫師。因著秀傳醫療體系與法國遠距微創手術中心的合作,亞洲遠距微創手術中心於2008年落成,延續法國微創中心的努力,為亞洲的外科醫師帶來最好的教育訓練模式。目前已經受訓國內外來自68國、總額超過21,913參與者。師承自法國微創中心的外科訓練模式,一步步的手術示範教學、活體豬隻與大體實驗操作,為亞洲的外科醫師帶來最好的教育品質。 |