台灣默克第11屆Taiwan BioForum:Smart Manufacturing and Integration of Biotechnologies: Accelerating Bioproc

台灣默克第11屆Taiwan BioForum:Smart Manufacturing and Integration of Biotechnologies: Accelerating Bioproc

透過這次機會將分享生技製藥產業從上游至下游的最新技術,並導入更多國際趨勢發展、最新話題分享,促進國際和生技產業間之業界先進交流,本次活動也邀請到 台耀化學(股)公司的 謝義簧副總經理為大家帶來ADC早期開發階段的CMC策略考量分享,歡迎各位蒞臨現場指導與行業領先的專家們相互交流。


2024 Merck BioForum Taiwan
Smart Manufacturing and Integration of Biotechnologies: Accelerating Bioprocessing 4.0

誠摯邀請您參加默克在台灣舉辦的「第11屆BioForum年度盛會」,透過這次機會將分享生技製藥產業從上游至下游的最新技術,並導入更多國際趨勢發展、最新話題分享,促進國際和生技產業間之業界先進交流,本次活動也邀請到台耀化學(股)公司的謝義簧副總經理為大家帶來ADC 早期開發階段的CMC策略考量分享,歡迎各位蒞臨現場指導與行業領先的專家們相互交流。

另外,今年活動現場也是「2024默克生物科技資助專案-台灣站 Advance Biotech Grant Program」 的頒獎典禮,默克邀請您共同來見證這個榮譽時刻!

主辦單位 | 台灣默克股份有限公司
活動日期 | 2024年9月27日(星期五)
活動時間 | 09:30 - 16:00 (報到時間: 9:10-9:30)
活動地點 | 台北喜來登大飯店  Sheraton Grand Taipei, 台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號,B2,祿廳 


  1. 因場地限制,將依報名順序依序安排,恕不接受現場報名,歡迎提早報名。
  2. 如不克參加會議,請提前告知主辦單位以釋出研討會名額。
  3. 主辦單位有權保留、變更或終止所舉辦活動之時間、內容和報名席次。
  4. 請填寫有效聯絡方式,Email, 電話等,以利活動更新通知。
  5. 報名截止 : 2024年9月20日
羅香妘 Dianna Lo | 0905-162-799
[email protected]



  • 講師資訊
Edward Hsieh, Ph.D.
Vice President, R&D department, Formosa Laboratories Inc.
Current position and status
Formosa Laboratories Inc. Jul. 2021-
Position: Vice President, R&D department
Taiwan Accreditation Foundation External reviewer
TFDA Chinese Pharmacopeia Committee  Committee Member July, 2016
Previous positions
1. OBI Pharma. Inc. Associate Director, Director, CMC department
2. Center for Drug Evaluation. Researcher/CMC Reviewer/DMF Team leader
3. Ningbo Smart Pharmaceutical Company. Vice President
4. Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Researcher
5. Post-doctoral research
John (Hui-Feng) Hsieh
Bio4C Solution Consultant, Merck Life-Science Singapore
• Merck Life-Science 默克生命科學
• OSIsoft 傲時軟體
• Emerson Process Management 艾默生
• Rockwell Automation 洛克威爾自動化
• Fresenius Medical Care 費森尤斯醫藥
Rain Lee
Regional Strategy Execution Manager &  Technical Application Consultant,
Upstream APAC (excl. China)
Rain Lee(李佩雯)is a dynamic professional with over 9 years of experience in the chemistry, life science, and biopharmaceutical industry. Currently serving as the Regional Strategy Execution Manager & Technical Application Consultant at Merck Life Science, Rain focuses on understanding evolving market trends, best practices, and customer needs related to upstream innovations across APAC (excluding China). With a strong background in upstream technical application expertise, Rain is passionate about supporting customers to accelerate their molecule development to the clinical phase and beyond. Committed to continuous learning and growth, Rain is dedicated to making a positive impact in the life science and biopharmaceutical industry.
Eileen Lee,
Senior Engineer MSAT, Process Solutions, Merck KGaA
Eileen Lee is currently a Senior Engineer, in Merck Life Science Process Solutions under the Single Use and Integrated Systems MSAT team. She provides technical support such as technical consultation, troubleshooting and training for single use and hardware.
She has 9 years of experience in the MSAT team within Merck and was part of the downstream MSAT team providing support on process optimization, scale up and consultation for downstream processes.
She holds a B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and is a certified trainer under the Singapore Government accredited WDA courses.).
