We will discuss initial strategies to optimize the amino acid sequence of the molecule and techniques to maximize product safety and quality. GS piggyBac®, which can help improve expression levels for more complex next-generation biologics, will also be discussed.
- 日 期:2021-07-01 ~ 2021-07-31
- 主辦單位:Lonza biologics
- 活動網址
[Webinar]Right First Time: Successfully Progressing Biotherapeutics from Discovery to the Clinic
GEN: On-Demand Webinar
若您對於 次世代基因技術或 GS Xceed® 表現平台有興趣,都歡迎您點擊報名登記,主辦單位將以Email回傳研討會網址。
It is essential that the best approaches and tools are selected to maximize success when moving a selected candidate through development. In this On-Demand GEN Webinar, we will introduce strategies and tools to increase the chance of success through both of these stages.
We will discuss initial strategies to optimize the amino acid sequence of the molecule and techniques to maximize product safety and quality. GS piggyBac®, which can help improve expression levels for more complex next-generation biologics, will also be discussed.
The GS Xceed® Expression System is a market-leading expression technology platform. This robust, fully integrated, scalable system includes host cell lines, vectors, and access to optimized media and feeds, as well as comprehensive methods and processes.
To learn more about GS piggyBac®, you can also visit our website.