2024 BIO Asia-Taiwan 公司說明會精選廠商



2024亞洲生技大會(BIO Asia-Taiwan)舉辦已邁入第六年,並即將於下週三(7月24日)登場,各項生技議題討論均於本週開始迎來高峰。

今年大會主題為「從亞洲綜觀全球生技商機」(Global View, Asian Touch),大會論壇更擴大規模為創新科技、投資高峰及區域合作三大論壇平行舉辦,更有亞洲生技大展、一對一商機媒合會、公司展望說明會、主題研討會等活動。

其中,公司展望說明會自舉辦以來,每年均吸引數十組績優團隊報名參與,今年度更規劃包含生技醫藥(Pharmaceutical)、新藥開發(New Drug)、檢測及診斷(Device & Diagnostics)、解決方案提供(Service Provider)、委託開發暨製造服務(CDMO)等主題領域,今年共彙集全球超過30家企業共同參與,為產業提供更精準的一對一媒合服務。

此外,今年度跨國/外國企業的參與度亦更勝以往,包含:來自日本的生物製劑CDMO大廠富士軟片(FUJIFILM)、樂天醫藥集團(Rakuten Medical)、再生醫療技術公司AdipoSeeds及ORTHOREBIRTH;來自美國的病毒載體技術公司Astrid Pharma Corp.、影像解決技術方案公司Calyx / Invicro,以及VerImmune、ANEUVO等;歐洲地區則包含奧地利Single Use Support (SUS)、專精多肽研究領域的瑞士API公司Bachem等,都將於7/25-26(下周五至下周六)於亞洲生技大展現場進行簡報發表,與來自全世界的商業機會相互交流。

FUJIFILM Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies是具備cGMP的領先CDMO公司,為生物製劑、疫苗、細胞和基因療法的開發和生產提供服務。

FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies is an industry-leading cGMP Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) supporting the biopharmaceutical industry in the development and production of biologics, vaccines and cell and gene therapies.
Our focus is to combine technical leadership in process development and cGMP manufacturing supported by a strong team of over 4,000 employees and a reputation for excellent customer service. We are a trusted partner of many clients, from early stage biotechs to large pharma.
AdipoSeeds AdipoSeeds株式会社由慶應義塾大學Yumiko Matsubara博士所創立,公司的企業使命是「從脂肪組織製造血小板以創造新型血液供應系統」,AdipoSeeds的主要平台為ASCL-PLC(Adipose-derived mesenchymal Stem Cell Line-derived Platelet-Like Cell).。

AdipoSeeds are a company with transcendent technology for Cell Therapies established by Dr. Yumiko Matsubara, current visiting professor, Keio University. Our corporate mission is “Creating new Blood Supply System by making Platelets from Fat tissue” to use our main platform ASCL-PLC (Adipose-derived mesenchymal Stem Cell Line-derived Platelet-Like Cell).
Currently, blood supply to patients who needs platelet transfusion is unstable due to their supply systems and aging society in many countries and ASCL-PLC can solve the problem.
ASCL-PLC is Platelet-Like Cells created from donated Fat Tissues without any gene transfer or complicated biochemical processes.
We are now developing some attractive modalities for cell therapies.
Single Use Support GmbH Single Use Support (SUS)公司總部位於奧地利,為致力於提供全球生物製藥產業端到端藥物流體管理平台。

Single Use Support is a pioneering process solution provider specializing in fluid and cold chain management of drug substances. The company focuses on the development of solutions to provide manufacturers with 100% safe and efficient handling, liquid transfer, freezing and cold chain shipping of advanced therapies and biologics in pharmaceutical production. Single Use Support is headquartered in Austria and also operates from a US subsidiary and a wide distribution network in Asia & Pacific. Approximately 200 associates globally ensure that innovation continuous and products and services simplify the life of global biopharma and advanced therapies clients.
Calyx / Invicro Calyx / Invicro為專注於臨床試驗中的影像解決技術方案供應商,服務全球科學和醫學專業單位,包含生物標記、核心實驗室分析及軟體功能等服務。

Calyx / Invicro is a trusted global provider of scientific and medical expertise for imaging strategy, implementation, and analysis in clinical trials. The organizations have combined to create a new global leader in the provision of medical imaging solutions and to deliver the broadest range of preclinical – late-phase imaging services in the industry, including imaging biomarkers, core lab services, analytics, and software.
With operations in six countries, Calyx / Invicro helps global pharmaceutical, biotech, and contract research organizations achieve their development objectives in key therapeutic areas including oncology, central nervous system, and respiratory, and is meeting the growing demand for enhanced imaging and new therapies in fast-growing specialties such as radiotherapy, gastroenterology, inflammation, fibrosis, and mitochondrial imaging.
Astrid Pharma Corp Astrid Pharma Corp開發出一種新型的藥物傳輸技術,該技術的基礎為病毒載體奈米粒子工程(Viral vector nanoparticle engineering),具有克服耐藥性的可能。

Astrid Pharma Corp have developed a novel drug delivery technology that has the potential to overcome the formidable challenge of drug resistance.

Our technology, based on viral vector nanoparticle engineering , the quest of Dr Holland Cheng, Professor of virology UC Davis. By 30 years of virology and virus selection his discovery has multiple competitive advantages to all drug-delivery-systems in today drug markets, it effectively circumvents resistance mechanisms, enhancing the efficacy and reducing the side effects of existing and emerging drugs.
Astrid Pharma Corp have engineered key residues on the exterior arms of BioCapZ to chemically or genetically carry small peptides or imaging agents such as nanogoldclusters.
There are 60 protruding arms on the BioCapZ which allow for multiple application simultaneously. BioCapZ has positively charged amino acids on the interior walls, which allows for encapsulation of negatively charged cargo. The cargo can range from DNA, RNA, mRNA, shRNA, and proteins to inorganic metals like Iron Oxide.
VerImmune Inc. Verimmune Inc.正在開發一種創新的Virus-inspired Particle平台(ViP™)。Verimmune通過開發免疫療法改善癌症患者的生活,利用一種稱為抗腫瘤免疫重定向(AIR)的獨特癌症免疫療法。該方法利用了過去的感染或疫苗接種免疫記憶以對抗癌症。

VerImmune Inc is developing an innovative Virus-inspired Particle (ViP™) platform with the potential to treat multiple diseases. Their primary focus is Oncology, utilizing a unique cancer immunotherapy called Anti-tumor Immune Redirection (AIR). This method leverages the body’s existing immune memory from past infections or vaccinations to fight cancer. VerImmune's technology could revolutionize the Immuno-Oncology market, offering new treatments for patients with limited options or resistance to current therapies. Beyond Oncology, VerImmune is exploring other areas of unmet need, employing ViPs with novel properties and mechanisms to disrupt conventional treatments.
Invion Limited Invion(ASX:IVX)是一家在澳大利亞證券交易所(ASX)的上市公司,開發了下一代光化學動力療法(PDT)--Photosoft™,用於治療一系列癌症和傳染病,並有多種途徑可以將技術商業化。 Invion今年正在對皮膚癌進行I/II期人體試驗,併計劃在接下來的12-24個月內進行其他癌症的臨床試驗。

Invion (ASX: IVX) is a clinical stage company developing the next-generation Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), called Photosoft™, for the treatment of a range of cancers and infectious diseases. Invion is undertaking its Ph I/II human trials on skin cancer this year and more trials to treat other cancers are scheduled over the next 12-24 months.

In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical studies have shown Photosoft to:
-Regress established tumours across multiple cancer types including T-cell lymphoma, pancreatic and triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)
-Activate the immune response, protective immunity
-Improve efficacy of blockbuster immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatments when used in combination therapies
-Have a strong therapeutic profile: Non-toxic at 100x therapeutic dose
-Have theragnostic potential: Therapeutic and diagnostic applications
