
投資巨擘廣納千里馬 智慧數據、保健醫療各顯長才

投資巨擘廣納千里馬 智慧數據、保健醫療各顯長才

隨著生物科技產業重要性與日俱增,各國創投更為產業推展一大助力,本次參與的公司包含別具慧眼的國內外代表性創投:台杉、DCI Partners、Bay Area Health Trust。同時吸引生技領航的兩大趨勢:智慧數據與保健醫療公司盛情參與,將透過即早監測與輔助技術,為精準預防與輔助產業發展的重大突破。



DCI Partners Co., Ltd.

DCI Partners Co., Ltd.
DCI Partners is a Japan-based life science venture capital firm focused on investments in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries.


Bay Area Health Trust

Bay Area Health Trust
Bay Area Health Trust is a Hamilton, Ontario-based company that operates life science businesses to return value to its beneficiaries, including Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University. As a unique organization battling the pandemic first hand, innovating to bring the community solutions, and investing to be the change healthcare needs, we share with pride our successes and lessons learned of not just surviving, but thriving.


Taiwania Capital Management Co. 


Taiwania Capital is a venture capital firm that was founded in 2017 by the National Development Fund of the Executive Yuan of Taiwan and private enterprises. Our mission is to establish a partnership with companies worldwide and boost Taiwan’s economic growth. Taiwania Capital is named after Taiwania cryptomerioides, a unique tree species that took its name from Taiwan in 1906. Taiwania tree is one of the tallest tree species in Asia, surrounded by a diverse and vibrant ecosystem. By linking technology and capital, Taiwania Capital aspires to also create a robust ecosystem in Taiwan that is rooted in entrepreneurial innovation.




Single Cell Technology, Inc.

Single Cell Technology, Inc.

Single Cell Technology (SCT) was established in 2008. We named our antibody discovery technology after the Greek word atheneum, meaning an institute for scientific learning. AbTheneum™ technology was independently developed by merging 8 different fields. SCT has been helping global pharmaceutical companies find sought-after antibodies against unusual or difficult drug targets since 2016.




Skinopathy Inc is a medical technology company creating Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, and automation technology that will offer the public and medical community state-of-the-art skin disease mitigation tools and medical research insights. Our first service,, is already helping patients connect with specialists through its virtual platform. Our second service, a real-time medical research platform, is currently in development and will be launched in Q4 2021. 

We are led by a team of physicians, data scientists, and engineers and are using newly available technology to provide better quality of care for patients, a better physician experience for practictioners, and insights for researchers. Whether it be through the creation of online platforms, data & AI platforms, or intuitive applications, our goal is to help patients catch and treat a variety of skin conditions before they become troublesome.


Cyclica Inc.

Cyclica Inc.

Cyclica is the partner of choice for data-driven drug discovery. We advance molecules that embrace the complexity of disease. Our work spans dozens of collaborations with large pharma and biotech as well as 50 joint ventures and counting. We are a passionate team of biotech and pharma professionals, biologists, chemists, and computer scientists who live and labor at the intersection of our collective expertise.



Insilico Medicine Taiwan Ltd.


Insilico Medicine(英科智能)是一家創新人工智慧公司,致力於開發和應用下一代深度學習的AI技術,加速藥物發現和藥物發展的每一步。我們在全球率先運用神經對抗網絡(GANs)和強化學習(RL)來開發新藥,同時可運用我們的技術於已知靶點的藥物設計和未知靶點的發現,為製藥業帶來革命性的突破。 英科智能持續與全球頂尖的生物製藥公司合作,提升新藥開發之速度的同時也減低研發支出。並且透過實踐我們的科技,在18個月內已完成了靶點發現到臨床前候選藥物。英科智能期待與製藥產業先進交流,討論合作模式!


JelloX Biotech Inc.


捷絡生物科技股份有限公司(JelloX Biotech Inc.)於2019年七月一日正式營運,本公司聚焦3D數位病理檢測,本公司透過專利3D病理影像及數據分析報告協助臨床醫師在癌症診斷中做出更好的臨床決策,進而提升癌症病患之存活率及生活品質。



SunWay Biotech


晨暉生技技轉自臺大潘子明教授研究團隊研發之專利功效菌株 ¬- NTU 568 紅麴菌株和 NTU 101乳酸菌菌株,進行高規量產。三大業務範圍為品牌原料功能開發、品牌原料應用的配方設計與專業代工。
ANKASCIN 568-R是以獨家固態發酵技術製成富含Monascin和Ankaflavin 的專利紅麴提取物。其獨特性不含Monacolin K,且完成6項人體臨床,也獲得美國FDA之NDI認可,是目前唯一可在美國合法銷售的紅麴保健食品原料。
益生菌Vigiis 101-LAB (專利乳酸菌株NTU 101)。多項研究證明可改善腸道菌相、改善便祕、減緩腹瀉、預防胃黏膜損傷、調節免疫力和緩解異位性皮膚炎等過敏,目前已完成2項人體臨床試驗。


Simpson Biotech Co., Ltd


善笙生物科技為專業生技發酵公司,以優良製造規範為基準建置8, 5, 1.5噸量產型發酵槽及先導試驗型100公升發酵槽,2014年取得ISO22000:2005及HACCP認證。


