【會議預告】Asia Bio合作論壇新加坡站,探索生物科技創新前沿

Asia Bio Partnering Forum 2023


Join our FREE webinar to get the most out of your Asia Bio Partnering Forum experience! The webinar is for both new users and seasoned partnering veterans alike. Stand out from the crowd and get the best return on investment when using our powerful partneringONE® system at the event.  Click Here to enter.



如果您無法參加現場課程,我們會為所有Asia Bio合作論壇註冊參與者提供課程錄像。

HCD is excited to announce its support for the Asia Bio Partnering Forum. Use the VIP code 'ABPF23HCD15' to receive a 15% discount.

延續ChinaBio® 合作論壇的成功之路,EBD 集團今年隆重推出全新會議系列,首屆Asia Bio合作論壇將於2023 年4 月26 - 27 日在新加坡烏節希爾頓酒店舉行。本論壇將有效驅動亞洲更大範圍的生命科學市場合作與創新。

Building on the unrivalled success of ChinaBio® Partnering Forum, EBD Group is thrilled to announce the launch of a new event focused on highlighting the emerging innovations from the larger Asian life science market. Join us at the inaugural Asia Bio Partnering Forum , scheduled to take place April 26–27, 2023 in Singapore.

In addition to partnering meetings, the event will feature a blend of live and on-demand program sessions, company presentations, table-top exhibits, company showcases, and networking sessions.



The conference also features EBD Group's gold-standard partnering platform, partneringONE®, enabling delegates to efficiently identify, meet and network with companies from across the life science value chain in a virtual format, with each meeting prescheduled with its own video conferencing link.


  • partnerineONE ®系統平台所支持的面對面和虛擬一對一合作會議

  • 同亞太地區的行業引領者建立聯繫和溝通

  • 現場參加或者點播觀看優秀生命科技公司的路演

  • 傾聽精彩而富有創見的演講和討論,了解亞洲生命科學領域最新動態

    Spotlight on the Singapore life science sector

  • Massive growth potential.Singapore's healthcare market is projected todouble to $49.4 billion by 2029 up from $21.4 billion!

  • Large market share.Singapore is home to the largest number of global regional headquarters in Asia Pacific, with over 4,200 regional HQs of international companies.

  • Thriving investment landscape. Singapore saw $12 billion of private equity deals, about 50% of the regional market share, including deals totaling $629 million in the first 9 months of 2021 alone!


  • 踏足生物醫藥投資最活躍的地區,向全新的群體展示您的技術突破和願景

  • 路演公司在partneringONE®合作賬戶中上傳預先錄製的演講視頻,在整個合作系統開放期內面向所有參會者開放

  • 來自EBD集團近六年的統計數據表明,參加路演的公司獲得了顯著增加的曝光度,由此對接成功了更多更富有成效的一對一合作會議


Why present?

This year all presenting company presentations will be presented on-demand to allow maximum visibility and more time for partnering meetings and informal networking while onsite at the event. Whether you attend in-person or digitally, maximize your visibility by presenting your company.