【活動快訊】熱門議題:細胞與基因治療 X Biodesign,亞洲生技大會優惠報名倒數
熱門議題:細胞與基因治療 X Biodesign
特別邀請諾華、 美國德州大學MD安德森癌症中心、Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre、IQVIA、醫藥品查驗中心、生技中心等國內外講者,就細胞治療生態圈、法規、臨床試驗等探討細胞與基因治療未來發展。
另也邀請北醫、史丹佛大學Biodesign Program、MedVenture Partners等專家分享,如何透過Biodesign 計劃建構生醫創業與產業合作生態系。
>> 立即報名 ( 7/18 前報名享優惠 )
>> 議程資訊
Cell and gene therapies to date have demonstrated promising potential against certain cancers and hereditary diseases, and are poised to lead the healthcare shift into precision medicine over the next decade.
Join us at BIO Asia–Taiwan 2021 to understand current developments, the growing cell and gene therapy ecosystem, regulatory conditions, and how to set up clinical trials for cell and gene therapies in Asia. Another segment to watch is biodesign for medical devices, where collaborations with international medical device partners—such as the Stanford Biodesign program—are changing the landscape of medical device innovation in Asia.
Register now to gain in-depth insight in these two cutting-edge fields at BIO Asia–Taiwan 2021!
Hear from Experts
Session 11 – Advances in Cell & Gene Therapies
Distinguished Speakers
Hear from Experts
Session 13 – Asian Biodesign- Accelerating to Meet the Medical Needs
Distinguished Speakers
Who should attend?
- Leaders and professionals in the novel therapies and biodesign ecosystem
- Providers of novel therapies and biodesign solutions and services
- Policymakers, researchers, and educators in the fields of novel therapies and biodesign
Thanks to Our Partners and Sponsors