
熱門議題:細胞與基因治療 X Biodesign


立即報名 開啟國際合作商機!
* 300+ 線上展覽攤位
* 400+ One-on-One Partnering 公司
* 100+ 公司展望說明會與新創Pitch
* 100位 國際講者
* 14場論壇 + 4場Satellite Conference

>> 立即報名 ( 7/18 前報名享優惠 ) 

>> 議程資訊

BIO Asia-Taiwan 2021 Online

Register now for access to the BIO Asia–Taiwan 2021 Conference, including talks and panel discussions by leading industry experts, policymakers, and researchers inside and outside Asia. Last 7 days and counting! 


Pre-registration ends on July 18th


Join us to understand current developments in Asia, the growing market, regulatory conditions, and how to develop successful exit strategies.

  • Combating the Pandemic
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Medical Devices
  • Precision Medicine
  • Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine
  • Smart Medical
  • Pharmaceutical Equipment
  • Biotech Services
  • Agri-biotechnology
  • Government, Academia and Research Institutes

BIO One-on-One Partnering™ allows you to schedule virtual meetings in your time zone to maximize business development and licensing potential. Featuring simple video conferencing and more biotechnology-specific search filters & therapeutic categories than any other biotech partnering platform, view more than 400 potential partner companies and reach out to connect today. 

Rich selection of satellite events, including the SPARK Asia Showcase hosted by SPARK Taiwan; Emerging Trends in Oncology Clinical Trials After a Breakthrough Year, organized by Amarex Taiwan, LLC; Advanced Cell Therapies in the COVID-19 Pandemic/post-Pandemic Era jointly organized by the Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Bionet Corp., Cordlife Group., and StemCell Institute; and Unified System Approach to Life Sciences - From Discovery to Clinical Trials, hosted by Medidata. Attendance at all satellite events will be available to registrants.


Thanks to Our Partners and Sponsors