【展會快訊】藥華藥血癌新藥國際佈局有成 甫獲韓國PV藥證 下月取美國藥證


國際佈局有成 10月獲韓國PV藥證
藥華藥的P1101(Ropeginterferon alfa-2b)於今年10月13日獲韓國食品藥物安全部(MFDS)核准上市許可,使用於真性紅血球增多症(PV)。P1101繼獲歐盟、台灣、瑞士及以色列PV藥證後再下一城。PV為骨髓增生性腫瘤(MPN)的一種,為罕見的早期血癌。接下來藥華藥韓國團隊將申請將P1101納入健保給付,並持續進行行銷活動和商業銷售。
FDA完成查廠 預計年底獲美國藥證
根據市場調查,美國約有16萬餘名PV病患,P1101預計治療的目標病患族群約8萬人。藥華藥已在美國組建經驗豐富的行銷和銷售團隊,藥品供應鏈也已就位,P1101 獲美國藥證後,有望在數週內即可開始鋪貨到各州的關鍵通路。展望2022年,藥華藥營運將迎來突破性成長。
促進多元發展 推動新適應症臨床試驗

數十年來干擾素應用在癌症的治療極為廣泛,藥華藥也積極計畫在各國進行P1101用於治療不同適應症的「研究者自行發起之臨床試驗(Investigator-initiated clinical trial, 簡稱IIT)」,期許未來持續拓展P1101治療領域。

PharmaEssentia Corporation is a global biopharmaceutical innovator based in Taiwan, leveraging deep expertise and proven scientific principles to deliver new biologics in hematology and oncology.
On October 13th, 2021, PharmaEssentia’s lead product P1101 (Ropeginterferon alfa-2b) was granted regulatory approval in South Korea to treat Polycythemia Vera (PV) from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS). Next, PharmaEssentia’s South Korean subsidiary will apply for P1101 to be covered by national health insurance. The team will continue to focus on commercialization.
P1101 is a novel, long acting, pegylated interferon. It has received marketing approval in the EU, Taiwan, Switzerland, Israel, and South Korea to treat PV without symptomatic splenomegaly in adults. P1101 has also received orphan drug designation in the US and South Korea.
PharmaEssentia is expecting the decision by the US FDA on November 13th, 2021. (PDUFA day) This September, FDA has completed the GMP inspection of PharmaEssentia’s manufacturing facility in Taichung.
In the US, PharmaEssentia has already established a highly experienced marketing and sales team. The drug supply chain is ready for the launch. Looking ahead to 2022, we expect to see growth in PharmaEssentia.


− Ropeginterferon alfa-2b: 真性紅血球增多症, 原發性血小板過多症
− Oraxol: 乳癌
− Oraxol+Ramucirumab: 胃癌
− KX01: 乾癬, 日光角化症
