Asia Bio合作論壇 (Asia Bio Partnering forum)
Asia Bio Partnering Forum will continue to build on its strong start and will gather biotech and pharma leaders from around the world with hundreds of emerging innovators across Asia Pacific to advance dealmaking in Asia.
- 日 期:2024-04-24 ~ 2024-04-25
- 地 點:新加坡Sands Expo & Convention Centre
- 主辦單位:EBD Group
- 聯 絡 人:Tom Wu
- 聯絡Email:[email protected]
- 電 話:+86 21 6157 3828
Asia Bio Partnering Forum | Your gateway to Asia’s emerging innovation (環球生技專屬85折優惠)
Spark the connections that will help you establish partnerships with key leaders across the life science value chain.
- 日 期:2023-04-26 ~ 2023-04-27
- 地 點:Singapore
- 主辦單位:EBD Group
- 聯 絡 人:Tom Wu
- 聯絡Email:[email protected]
- 電 話:+86 21 6157 3828