(Online)Discover CITRUS : Automatically identify predictive biomarkers

(Online)Discover CITRUS : Automatically identify predictive biomarkers

Ensure Reproducibility, Enable Collaboration and Accelerate Discovery


Discover CITRUS : Automatically identify predictive biomarkers
※Ensure Reproducibility, Enable Collaboration and Accelerate Discovery

*CITRUS (cluster identification, characterization, and regression) is an algorithm that is used for the identification of differential single cell biomarkers. 
*CITRUS is set up to answer two types of questions: ‘How are my groups different?’ or ‘How can I best predict the differences between my groups? 
*CITRUS can be used to compare any groups where differences between them are expected to be driven by differences in the abundance of various cell types, the activation or inhibition of signaling or the presence or absence of markers in these cell types. 
*CITRUS will tell the user which of these “features” are significantly different between the defined groups.