(改期至7/26)2024 SPARK Asia Showcase

(改期至7/26)2024 SPARK Asia Showcase

SPARK Taiwan長期致力於生醫團隊的培育,已成功輔導超過500個團隊、培育超過2,700位專業人才。今年SPARK Taiwan再度舉辦SPARK Asia Showcase,誠摯邀請您共襄盛舉。我們將精彩呈現來自台灣、日本及以色列的11個新藥和醫材團隊。


2024 SPARK Asia Showcase

SPARK Taiwan計畫致力於培育具新藥與醫材商化轉譯人才,我們提供生醫轉譯、法規、智財等商化課程,並採客製化團隊輔導模式,協助團隊加速科研成果商化落地。並與國內頂尖醫學大學合作進行人才培育,包括國立臺灣大學、台北醫學大學、輔仁大學/清華大學/台灣科技大學三校聯盟、中國醫藥大學、國立成功大學、高雄醫學大學等學研機構,自2013年迄今已輔導超過500個團隊,培育超過2700名人才投入生醫產業。今年我們遴選出11個團隊,分別來自台灣、日本和以色列,我們誠摯邀請您共同參與我們的年度產品展演會,一起見證他們的研發成果!
SPARK Taiwan is committed to cultivating talents with the ability to translate novel pharmaceuticals and medical materials into commercialisation. We offer one-stop courses including biomedical translation, regulatory affairs, and intellectual property, and adopt a customised team coaching model to help teams accelerate the commercialisation of their research results.We also collaborate with top medical universities in Taiwan, including National Taiwan University, Taipei Medical University, Fu Jen Catholic University/Tsinghua University/Taiwan University of Science and Technology Tri-School Consortium, China Pharmaceutical University, National Cheng Kung University, Kaohsiung Medical University, and other research institutes, and have coached more than 500 teams and trained more than 2,700 talents to join the biomedical industry since 2013.This year, we have selected 11 teams from Taiwan, Japan and Israel, and we invite you to join us at our annual product showcase to witness their R&D achievements!


日期:7月26日(五) 13:00-17:00


2024 Asia Showcase除有來自台灣、日本及以色列的11個新藥和醫材團隊
1. 誠鼎國際企業有限公司 董事長 劉致顯
2. 夏鼎投資有限公司 創辦人暨管理合夥人 宋豪麟
3. Hercules Bioventure Partner 
合夥人 林衛理博士


本活動全程免費。請於 7月22日中午12:00前 完成網路報名程序,名額有限,敬請及早報名。


★Session I : New Drug Teams

Date & Time: Jul. 26. 2024 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Venue: Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, 3rd floor, Ballroom

Time Agenda/Team and Presenter
13:00-13:10 Opening Remarks
SPARK Taiwan CEO, Dr. Yufeng Jane Tseng
13:10-13:25 Kaohsiung Medical University, SPARK Taiwan
Development of an organic tellurium-containing compound against antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections
Speaker : Sung-Pin Tseng
13:25-13:40 China Medical University, SPARK Taiwan
CMM02: A Liposomal RNA-based DDB2 Inhibitor for Chemosensitization
Speaker : Hsin-Chiao Chou
13:40-13:55 FerroptoCure Inc, SPARK Japan
Ferroptosis inducing anti cancer therapy
Speaker : Yuji Otsuki
13:55-14:10 Tel Aviv University, SPARK Tel Aviv, Israel
Novel specific disease-modifying PERK activator for Huntington’s disease
Speaker : Gerardo Lederkremer
14:10-14:25 Taipei Medical University, SPARK Taiwan
Development of anti-CEACAM6 heavy chain antibody-drug conjugates for cancer therapy
Speaker : Ming-Heng Wu
14:25-14:55 Refreshment Break & Coffee
★Session II : Medical Device Teams
Date & Time: Jul. 26. 2024 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Venue: Nangang Exhibition Centerr, Hall 1, 3rd floor, Ballroom

Time Agenda
14:55-15:10 National Tsing Hua University, SPARK Taiwan
Ex-vivo Tumor-Microenvironment-on-chip for Clinical Drug Efficacy Assessment
Speaker : Hsuan-Yu Mu
15:10-15:25 National Cheng Kung University, SPARK Taiwan
Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulatiorn with real time HRV monitoring for generalized anxiety disorde
Speaker : Chien-An Chen
15:25-15:40 National Taiwan University, SPARK Taiwan
Real-time Lactate Sensor for Extra-Corporeal Circuit
Speaker : Hsiao-En Tsai
15:40-15:55 National Taiwan University, SPARK Taiwan
Multi-purpose endo-bronchial blocker_4-way-articulation scope aided hemostasis and intra-operative monitor
Speaker : Chun-Yu Wu
15:55-16:10 National Cheng Kung University, SPARK Taiwan
OpenHand Robotics
Speaker : Kai Chang
16:10-16:25 Spine Chronicle Japan, SPARK Japan
The best surgical implant for aging spine
Speaker : Ryo Kitagawa
16:25-16:55 Networking
16:55-17:00 Concluding Remarks
