- 日 期:2021-07-21 ~ 2021-08-15
- 主辦單位:Lonza biologics
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[Webinar]Bispecific Antibody Development: Upstream Challenges and Strategies
GEN: On-Demand Webinar
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Biological pipelines are evolving from standard antibody formats to next-generation biologics such as bispecific antibodies (bsAbs). However, these molecules are often difficult to express and it is a challenge to develop productive processes. There is a real need for an expression platform that can keep pace with these requirements.
In this webinar replay, Dr. Jizu Yi shares his experiences with key upstream challenges for the expression of YBODY® and CHECKBODY® based bsAbs. Dr. Yi discusses how his lab successfully developed strategies using the GS Xceed® Expression System to construct cell lines with high productivity and product quality in a short time span—concluding with how his organization managed to control the level of impurities during manufacturing.
The GS Xceed® Expression System is a market-leading expression technology platform. This robust, fully integrated, scalable system includes host cell lines, vectors, and access to optimized media and feeds, as well as comprehensive methods and processes.
To learn more about GS piggyBac®, you can also visit our website.