DAY 2 Reports of BIO Asia-Taiwan 2024

撰文GlobalBio & Investment
DAY 2 Reports of BIO Asia-Taiwan 2024
The second day of BIO Asia–Taiwan 2024 has been another brilliant day full of ideas, insights and interactions with professional experts! For all our readers, we are excited to release our latest reports of Session 4 to Session 8, which include #ADC, #CellAndGeneTherapies, #mRNA modalities, and #CMC. All of them are important topics in the modern biotechnology. Don't miss them!

Please stay tuned to our special reports during BIO-Asia Taiwan 2024 to catch all the wonderful talks. Your sharing will be our pleasure. More than welcome to share this post to your friends who were not able to join in person today.

DAY 2 Reports of BIO Asia-Taiwan 2024

Session 4:ADC Drug Development and Manufacturing Trends Challenges and Solutions

Session 5:Frontier of Gene and Cell Therapies

Session 6:mRNA and New Therapeutic Modalities

Session 8:Strategic Insights into CMC Program Design: Pioneering Biologics Development Excellence

#BIO #BIOAsiaTaiwan2024 Taiwan Bio Industry Organization #ADC #Manufacturing #CellTherapy #GeneTherapy #mRNA #GeneEditing #CMC #CDMO