Active, Thoughtful, Cooperative, Glamorous...
✔️持續性曝光機會:提升企業能見度,刊登企業報導於新創動態區,還有機會獲得專屬採訪報導,增加知名度。✔️專屬新創CEO媒合活動:獲邀參加新創同學會、定期投募說明會、Bio KTV等精彩活動,與企業、投資人深度交流,激發合作契機。
✨心動了嗎?現在就把握機會報名參賽,讓您的新創DNA大放異彩! (報名至9/13 23:59截止)
⭐第二屆生醫新創冠軍 賽昂生醫 莊國祥執行長 | |
Adventurous-跳出舒適圈,從研究、教職、再到創業 |
➡️打怪科學家賽昂莊國祥 獨創武裝型T細胞今年進臨床 https://news.gbimonthly.com/tw/celebrity/show.php?num=66371 |
Do You Have the DNA of a Bio Startup CEO?
Just as human DNA is uniquely crafted from ATCG,
the DNA of a startup leader is shaped by their own unique combination of traits.
Join GlobalBio in exploring your StartupDNA and sequence your unique ATCG!
the DNA of a startup leader is shaped by their own unique combination of traits.
Join GlobalBio in exploring your StartupDNA and sequence your unique ATCG!
✨ Don't miss this opportunity to shine!
Register now for the 3rd Annual Bio Startup CEO Awards—registration closes on September 13th.Let your startup DNA make its mark! https://bit.ly/bioceo24
✨Meet the startup CEO: Kuo-Hsiang Chuang, CEO of CytoArm
The Champion of the Best Bio Startup CEO Awards in 2023⚡Dr. Chuang's ATCG includes……
Adventurous: Stepping outside the comfort zone, from research and teaching to entrepreneurship
Talented: Innovated “Armed-T cell” technology
Creative: Doing research with interests in advancing T cell therapy
Grounded: From bench to bedside and beyond
➡️Read more about Dr. Chuang and his ATCG: https://news.gbimonthly.com/tw/celebrity/show.php?num=66371