【Intro】AcadeMab Biomedical Inc.


Company Introduction

研生生醫股份有限公司成立於 2020 年,專注於抗體開發。擁有具競爭力的抗體研發平 台技術,可自主開發各式抗體,目標是成為世界級的抗體新藥研發公司。
Anti-EpCAM Antibody為滿足個人化醫療需求,正開發 EpCAM 伴隨診斷試劑與分子影像 醫學,建構成套之Anti-EpCAM 精準治療方案。
Anti-M13 Antibody為篩選噬菌體顯現不可或缺之關鍵研發材料。團隊自行開發之 Anti-M13 Antibody 經實驗證實更勝於市面銷售競品,為噬菌體顯現技術成功之利器。
Anti-HER3利用抗體親和力成熟技術 精進,Anti-HER3 Antibody效力可與知名藥廠匹敵,極具治療之潛力。
AcadeMab Biomedical Inc. established in 2020.
  • Have competitive antibody drug discovery and development technology platform.
  • Independently develop new antibody drugs.            
  • Become a world-class antibody new drug research and development company.

Brief description of main products or services 

Anti-EpCAM Antibody- Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is highly expressed on the surface of many different kinds solid tumor which has the potential to become the target of cancer treatment. Our team developed Anti-EpCAM humanized antibody (AM-928) which is able to directly induce cancer cell apoptosis- and inhibit cancer stem cell growth. It has been proven to have obvious treatment in animal models of pancreatic and colorectal cancer, effectively, making AM-928 an unmet medical need for pancreatic and colorectal cancer treatment. The combination of AM-928 with Atezolizumab, an anti-PD-L1 antibody, almost completely eliminated tumors. The AM-928 antibody has been patented in many countries. In order to meet the needs of personalized medicine for anti-EpCAM precision medicine, EpCAM companion diagnostic reagents and molecular imaging are being developed.
Anti-M13 Antibody- The anti-M13 antibody developed by our team has been verified better than the market products and is a powerful tool for the phage display technology.
Anti-HER3 Antibody- Our team developed a fully human anti-HER3 antibody by using phage display technology. After antibody affinity maturation, our anti-HER3 antibody has a potency comparable to the well-known pharmaceutical companies and has great therapeutic potential.

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