【Intro】Steminent Biotherapeutics Inc.


Company Introduction

仲恩生醫專注於脂肪間葉幹細胞(Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, AD-MSCs)藥物化技術平台之開發,發展針對不治及難治之症的幹細胞藥物。仲恩生醫具備獨特處裡技術,為亞洲第一個進入台、日、美臨床二期試驗階段的幹細胞生技新藥公司,並同時取得治療小腦萎縮症的美國及日本孤兒藥資格(日本由授權合作伙伴取得孤兒藥資格)。台灣小腦萎縮症臨床二期試驗已完成並進行結果分析中。仲恩生醫秉持質量與速度兼備的原則,建立了專有的Stemchymal®幹細胞技術平台,生產獨家專利的幹細胞產品。仲恩生醫為全球細胞治療產業的領先者,積極創新技術,並進行策略結盟開發多項治療產品線以加速公司成長與價值。
Steminent Biotherapeutics Inc. is a global leading stem cell biotechnology company focusing on the clinical development and commercialization of Stemchyaml®, Steminent’s proprietary standardized allogeneic mesenchymal stem/stromal cell product.

Brief description of main products or services 

The Stemchymal® is a standardized allogeneic stem cell product from human adipose tissues. The lead program of Stemchymal® treatment is conducting its phase 2 trial in US, Japan (with partner) and has completed its phase 2 trial in Taiwan for spinocerebellar ataxia. Stemchyaml® is granted Spinocerebellar Ataxia orphan drug designation from FDA and PMDA.
Manufactured by Steminent’s proprietary technology platform, Stemchymal® possesses unique therapeutic advantages including:

  • High homogeneity
  • Superior immunomodulatory ability – rely on Stemchyaml®’s unique functional surface marker pattern.
  • Versatile paracrine/endocrine ability – Stemchyaml® possesses superior expression profile of key cytokines and growth factors.
  • Multipotent differentiation ability – Stemchymal® cells possess genuine capability of stem cells.

With its superior safety, Stemchymal® has been accumulated its scientific evidence and shown great therapeutic potential for spinocerebellar ataxia and neurodegenerative diseases.

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