Adheren生技 (已解散)

  • 英文名稱:Adheren Inc.
  • 網址:
  • 成立時間:2010-01-01
  • 創辦人:蕭世嘉
  • 代表人:英屬開曼群島商 Acepodia, Inc.代表人蕭世嘉




Adheren是去年矽谷少數的生技製藥業新創公司,更是極少數由台裔所創業的生技公司,由3位創始人:執行長蕭世嘉、加州大學柏克萊分校(UC Berkeley)化學學院教授Matthew Francis以及前Eureka Therapeutics總裁劉誠領軍成立。Matthew Francis是抗體領域公認的領先者,其帶領的抗體連結技術成為Adheren的重要基石,劉誠也是著名的抗體開發及治療先驅。Adheren憑藉這些紮實穩固的基礎,專注於癌症免疫療法的研發。 年僅32歲的蕭世嘉在2010年於矽谷成立僅6人的Adheren生技公司,歷時5年成功建立抗體細胞共軛(antibody cell conjugation, ACCTM)專利技術,發展免疫治療平台。從化學角度出發,不受過去標靶治療的單一標的侷限,將人體自有T細胞訓練成為抗癌大軍,擊垮多類型癌細胞。2015年末,Adheren吸引以venBio為首等美國創投高達10億新台幣資金挹注。 Adheren is a biotechnology company focusing on cancer immunotherapy. We have developed our core technology platform, antibody cell conjugation (ACC™), to attach antibodies directly to immune cells, such as T cells. Using this methodology, we have developed an anti-cancer T cell therapy, called ACE-T (Antibody Conjugated Effector T cells). ACE-T has been validated both in vitro and in vivo, presenting promising treatment possibilities in a variety of cancer types. We are currently validating ACE-T technology in human clinical trials. Relative to other cell-based immunotherapy approaches, ACE-T technology requires no genetic engineering of T cells and has a substantially improved dose-titration capability. ACE-T approach is readily compatible with any developed and future antibodies.


抗體細胞共軛(antibody cell conjugation, ACCTM)
