【活動快訊】諾貝爾獎得主 Michael Houghton 分享最新抗病毒研究!亞洲生技大會早鳥優惠只到6/15

2020諾貝爾醫學獎的麥可‧霍頓(Michael Houghton)教授,將於亞洲生技大會分享最新抗病毒研究。

亞洲生技大會邀請因發現C型肝炎病毒獲得2020諾貝爾醫學獎的麥可‧霍頓(Michael Houghton)教授,分享最新抗病毒研究。 由於他的發現,加速了抗C肝病毒藥物的研發,促成C型肝炎的治癒,為根除世界人口中的C型肝炎帶來希望。

>> 立即報名 (6月15日前享早鳥優惠)

>> 議程資訊

BIO Asia-Taiwan 2021 Online + Onsite

BIO Asia–Taiwan 2021 is honored to announce Dr. Michael Houghton, Nobel Laureate of 2020, as Plenary Speaker. Dr. Houghton will share his insights in identifying pathogenic viruses and developing diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines to control and prevent the infections. Infectious disease outbreaks and epidemics are key threats to healthcare, and addressing these issues will be critical moving forward.

Don't miss the opportunity to explore how solutions to these and other important healthcare challenges are currently being developed, including talks by Dr. Ann Aerts of the Novartis Foundation on developing proactive health systems; Dr. Cassian Yee of MD Anderson Cancer Center on precision cell therapy in oncology; and Dr. Chunhuei Chi of Oregon State University on COVID-19 and pandemic control. Only at BIO Asia–Taiwan 2021!

REGISTER (Early Bird Ends on June 15)
Learn More

Dr. Ann Aerts

Head of the Novartis Foundation
Co-chair of the Broadband Commission Working Group on Digital and AI in Health, Novartis

Dr. Cassian Yee

Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Dr. Chunhuei Chi

Director of Center for Global Health,
Oregon State University


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