【Intro】BRIM Biotech


Company Introduction

BRIM is a new drug biotechnology company. We source first-in-class drugs globally with our experienced team for candidates at pre-clinical stage. Then, we develop projects by collaborating with top CROs and CMOs. Once clinical proof of concept (POC) is reached, we partner out our projects for further clinical development.
全福成立於2013 年,運⽤創新轉譯科學研發模式,專注開發臨床前⾄⼈體臨床藥效驗證階段的新藥。

Brief description of main products or services 

BRM421 is a first-in-class, novel neurotrophic peptide drug for dry eye syndrome. BRIM completed its second-in-human Phase 2/3 trial in Q32020. Key clinical findings of the completed Ph2/3 trial:
A) Early onset: BRM421 shows efficacy in 2 weeks while current approved drug need 3-6 months
B) Novel MoA: BRM421 has cornea repair functions while other approved drugs have either tear volume or anti-inflammation
C) Great safety: No patient withdraws due to AEs

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