撰文記者 徐淨
This is an image of the lining of the large intestine of a mouse. DNA is marked in red with the epigenetic marker known as crotonylation shown in green. Yellow shows areas where crotonylation and DNA are found together. Signals from gut bacteria can change the amount of crotonylation in the gut and so influence gene activity. (Credit: Dr Juri Kazakevych, Babraham Institute)
這項發表在《Nature Communications》的研究指出,來自細菌的化學訊息能夠改變「整個人類基因組中的關鍵化學標記(chemical markers)」。透過這種交流方式,腸道細菌可以幫助對抗感染及預防癌症。
具體來說,在這項研究中,由Patrick Varga-Weisz博士帶領的團隊,展示了腸道細菌透過消化水果和蔬菜產生的化學物質,是如何影響腸壁細胞(the cells of the gut lining...
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