TFDA certified Jellox Biotech's 'MetaLite DX Digital Pathology Software' as SaMD
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
The latest progress of ADC drug development in Taiwan
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
The latest progress of six Taiwanese CAR-T therapy developers
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
Bio Preventive Medicine Corp.'s DNlite-IVD103 granted TFDA approval
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
Prof. Ih-Jen Su on Taiwan's biotech industry through the lens of the MVC COVID-19 Vaccine incident
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
WhatKOLssay:Prof.Ih-JenSuonTaiwan'sbiotechindustrythroughthelensoftheMVCCOVID-19Vaccineincident. ThedevelopmentofCOVID-19vaccineshaspresentedarobustcompetitionmodelforthebiotechindustry.Onlycompan...
VYSIONEER Collaborates with MC Medical to Introduce the First-ever Brain Tumor Auto Contouring AI
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
Rockwell Automation is now venturing into Taiwan's biotech industry
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
From bench to bedside, Prof. Tian-Lu Cheng guides us through the journey of innovation
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
Frombenchtobedside,Prof.Tian-LuChengguidesusthroughthejourneyofinnovation,startingwithpatentexploration. Navigatingfromthelaboratorytoindustryapplicationsandeventuallytostartups,thepathfrom20innovativ...
Gene Lay, founder of BioLegend, turned $262,500 into nearly 300 times its value in just a decade
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
DiscovertheincrediblejourneyofGeneLay,thefounderofBioLegend,whoturnedaninitialinvestmentof$262,500intonearly300timesitsvalueinjustadecade! GeneLaysharedhisentrepreneurialsuccessstoryatthe"2024Bio...
Bora Expands Globally with $210 Million Acquisition of Upsher-Smith
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
Meet the startup CEO. Miko Wen
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
Brain Navi Announces 100th Surgical Procedure Completed Using NaoTrac
2024-01-25 / GlobalBio & Investment
BrainNavi, aTaiwanesesurgicalroboticcompanys,announcedthecompletionofthe100thcaseutilizingitsneurosurgicalnavigationrobotNaoTrac.The100thcasehasbeenperformedbyNeurosurgeryDepartmentDirectorDr.Hao-YuCh...