- 英文名稱:Helios Bioelectronics Inc.
- 網址:https://www.heliosbioelectronics.com/
- 成立時間:2016-06-24
- 發展階段:尚未IPO
- 地區:新竹縣竹北市生醫路二段2號3樓R307室
- 資本額:70000000
- 代表人:詹維康
Founded in 2016, Helios Bioelectronics, Inc. is developing an application-driven and highly sensitive BioFET platform, enabling real-time monitoring of health status for precision medicine. The platform serves to collect information such as biologically significant genetic aberrations and altered protein expressions to establish dynamic profiling of the molecular regulations for monitoring and diagnostics of complex diseases.
Helios BioFET platform can detect any targets with a net charge, including protein, bacteria, nucleic acid (e.g. miRNA), cell and so on. The BioFET chips are readily customizable by immobilizing target-specific probes onto the chip surface. Hence, minimal sample preparation is needed and no labeling is necessary for target detection. In addition, over one million biosensors can fit into the size of a fingertip, allowing for detection of multiple targets on a single BioFET chip with significant statistical power.
BioFET chips generate data that can be readily digitized and transmitted through Cloud computing for AI analysis. Together with the portable-size equipment, Helios aims to take up the rapid growing markets of POCT and molecular diagnostics for personalized and decentralized digital healthcare.