- 英文名稱:ACT Genomics
- 網址:http://www.actgenomics.com/en
- 發展階段:尚未IPO
- 地區:台北市內湖區新湖二路345號3樓
- 資本額:500000000
- 代表人:陳華鍵
ACT Genomics is a leading precision oncology company headquartered in Taiwan with extended footprints in China, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. With our certified NGS platform and comprehensive genomic profiling, we help patients find the right treatments. At the same time, we collaborate with bio-pharmaceutical companies to accelerate clinical trials in drug development and CDX development. Our expertise in bioinformatics and medical interpretation enables us to deliver comprehensive and comprehensible medical reports and build cancer genomics database.
Cutting-edge NGS Service Platform: We provide precise cancer genetic variants detection through minimum tumor samples through our ultra-sensitive NGS Platform for FFPE samples and liquid biopsy
Highest standard Lab with international accreditation: We are recognized and certified by the highest international standard CAP (NGS) accreditation. Our flagship ACTOnco®, the comprehensive genomics panel, that covers 440 genes.
Professional Bioinformatics and Biomedical Team: We are strengthened by dozens of bio-informaticians to support customized biomarker analysis.
Integrated Comprehensive Cancer Services: We engage from every angle, early-late phase clinical trials, post-marketing drug development, clinician consultation and patient education.
Precision Patient Enrollment: We identifies the patients who harbor with rare or specific biomarkers through the clinical services and connect the treating physicians to the sponsors in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Asian Genome Database: We integrate genomic databases information with Asia specific genome profiling